Let it Go

by Monday, May 20, 2013 0 comments
Sometimes in life you forget about the big picture.

She was a once-upon-a-time story that never finished. From a story, where all the characters vanished. With a plot that was unravelled and lost. Swaying with the spring breeze, she rocks back and forth much like the playful swings you would once play on. Surrounded by tiny green waves with specks of colour, she stays. A comforting smile synced with her cheerful face. Lush, blonde hair tickling her shoulders.

It wasn’t long ago that she could remember a smile sweeter than her own, but time has a funny way of blurring your memories. There’s a gentle hum constantly ringing across the meadow, the tiny girl mimicking the sound- a wordless song.

With a half-forgotten rhythm the little lady repeats her motion. Whether it’s sin or pure innocence that keeps her still, the world continues to grow. It continues to expand, and turn. The lush meadows slowly fade away with time, cold-hearted cement seeping into its place. The wishful breeze slows, casting shady smoke into the air.

Sprouting from the darkness, comes two towers, each in competition to see which will touch the skies first. The deep oblivion they portray out-shadow the petite figured girl. The darkened heart, and the soul in pain. They grow and grow. Higher and higher. Despair and lost hope. Yet the girl seems oblivious. She continues to hum, and sway to her relic of a song.

A fairy tale that never ended. Without a prince to save the day. With no path, just events. A life not lived- waiting for the shimmer from his shining armour.


The towers fall.
The cement cracks.
The flowers wilt.
The waves crash.
The world burns.
And the girl dies, humming her sad song- Never missing a beat.



Just trying to share creativty across the world. My goal is to evoke emotion with my readers.


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